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Oben GH-30C Carbon Fiber Gimbal Head

Oben GH-30C Carbon Fiber Gimbal Head

Featuring durable yet lightweight carbon fiber construction, the GH-30C Carbon Fiber Gimbal Head from Oben is designed to balance a lens and camera along its vertical and horizontal axes. Ideal for shooting moving subjects such as birds, wildlife, and athletic events, the gimbal head ensures you can use your telephoto or zoom lens to quickly aim and shoot your subject. The unit's built-in fluid motion assures smooth and uniform panning. Unwieldy lenses that are normally too large or heavy to be moved and aimed quickly can be tilted or swiveled effortlessly, and large, easy-to-grip locking knobs and an Arca-type quick release plate allow for swift and secure lens mounting.

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Site SupportersStoreBase PriceFinal Price (Incl. Tax, S&H)
B&H Photo VideoUnited States $229.95 USD $393.62 Buy Now
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4 hours ago

+$0.00 S&H
+$8.05 Duty (3.5%)
+$2.51 Brokerage Fee
+$29.89 Tax (13%)
$270.40 USD
x 1.4557 exchange rate
includes 2.5% exchange fee

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