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Oben ACM-2400 4-Section Aluminum Monopod

Oben ACM-2400 4-Section Aluminum Monopod

The Oben ACM-2400 4-Section Aluminum Monopod is a lightweight yet extremely sturdy one-legged support for a camera, whether point & shoot, DSLR, or video camera. Maximum height is 63.2", which facilitates comfortable operation for most users.At only 1.65 lb, this is quite a robust piece of gear: It bears up to 26.5 lb, so add just about any head, camera & lens combination that you want. The monopod's chunky rubber foot, foam grip, and wrist strap will conspire to keep your setup stable.The flip locks of the ACM-2400 are adjustable, which means you can use the included Allen key to tighten them if they expand and loosen slightly due to normal wear & tear.

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US Import duty estimated to be 3.50% 1 USD is 1.4557 CAD
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