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Flashpoint Zoom Li-on X R2 TTL On-Camera Round Flash Speedlight For Canon (Godox V1)

Flashpoint Zoom Li-on X R2 TTL On-Camera Round Flash Speedlight For Canon (Godox V1)

The new Flashpoint Zoom Li-on X TTL Speedlight for Canon with Integrated R2 Radio Transceiver is the exciting new on-camera speedlight fully compatible with the Canon ETTL system that delivers a more natural circular flash spread than ordinary rectangular speedlights. The more pleasing light enjoys the benefits of an ingenious internal interchangeable 7.2V/2600mAh Lithium Ion battery boasting up to 480 full power shots without the irritation of external battery packs. The incredible amount of power produced by this compact and lightweight unit, as well as their integrated functions and features, make the Zoom Li-on X TTL the select choice of pro or amateur photographer. Beneath the new Flashpoint Zoom Li-On X R2 refined Round Head sleek design, are capabilities that develop the potential of what you can shoot.

See recent price change history for the Flashpoint Zoom Li-on X R2 TTL On-Camera Round Flash Speedlight For Canon (Godox V1).

Site SupportersStoreBase PriceFinal Price (Incl. Tax, S&H)
AdoramaUnited States $229.00 USD $378.19 Buy Now
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1 day ago

+$0.00 S&H
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+$29.77 Tax (13%)
$258.77 USD
x 1.4615 exchange rate
includes 2.5% exchange fee

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Price History Graph for Flashpoint Zoom Li-on X R2 TTL On-Camera Round Flash Speedlight For Canon (Godox V1)

US Price History Graph for Flashpoint Zoom Li-on X R2 TTL On-Camera Round Flash Speedlight For Canon (Godox V1)

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