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Flashpoint Zoom Li-ion Mini TTL R2 Flash for Canon (V350C)

Flashpoint Zoom Li-ion Mini TTL R2 Flash for Canon (V350C)

The Flashpoint Zoom Li-on Mini R2 TTL Speedlight for Canon with Integrated R2 Radio Transceiver is a miniaturized Zoom Li-on 118GN speedlight, fully compatible with the Canon ETTL system, featuring all the advantages of Lithium power. The Lithium battery speeds the recycle times down to only 0.1~1.7 seconds and provides up to 500 full power pops per charge. This unique design imitatesCanon ingenuity in mirrorless compact cameras, ease of use, with stunning light performance. The Zoom Li-on Mini R2 flash takes you as far as you want to go, from connectivity with the vast R2 Family of Flash, Group control, Slave and Master options, to 22 power levels with Exposure Compensation and Lock, High-Speed Sync, and an automatically zooming flashhead from 24-105mm.

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Site SupportersStoreBase PriceFinal Price (Incl. Tax, S&H)
AdoramaUnited States $159.00 USD $261.58 Buy Now
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1 hour ago

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+$20.67 Tax (13%)
$179.67 USD
x 1.4559 exchange rate
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Price History Graph for Flashpoint Zoom Li-ion Mini TTL R2 Flash for Canon (V350C)

US Price History Graph for Flashpoint Zoom Li-ion Mini TTL R2 Flash for Canon (V350C)

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