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BlackRapid Sport Breathe Camera Strap

BlackRapid Sport Breathe Camera Strap

The BlackRapid Sport Breathe Camera Strap is designed to be worn across a right-handed user's body, draped from the left shoulder to the right hip. A connected camera can then rest upside-down along the hip so that it can be quickly raised for use. Incorporating a generously-sized, moisture-wicking shoulder pad, this strap is built for the sport or adventure photographer who is carrying one camera and intends to move quickly whether on flat or rugged terrain. The Sport Breathe further stabilizes the attached camera when used with its included BlackRapid Brad Breathe Stabilizing Strap.

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Site SupportersStoreBase PriceFinal Price (Incl. Tax, S&H)
AdoramaUnited States $99.95 USD $164.41 Buy Now
  US Warranty

price updated
1 day ago

+$0.00 S&H
+$0.00 Duty and Brokerage
+$12.99 Tax (13%)
$112.94 USD
x 1.4557 exchange rate
includes 2.5% exchange fee

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US Import duty estimated to be 3.50% 1 USD is 1.4557 CAD
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US Price History Graph for BlackRapid Sport Breathe Camera Strap

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