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BlackRapid 63" Cross-Shot Sling Camera Strap (Black)

BlackRapid 63

The black, 63" Cross-Shot Sling Camera Strap from BlackRapid is a simple, convenient carrying system featuring a non-slip, molded thermoplastic rubber shoulder pad for comfort and stability. Hanging across the torso from either shoulder, it positions the camera at your opposite hip to allow for fast access--ensuring that you don't miss any photo opportunities. The Cross-Shot strap is made from 100% high-strength polypropylene webbing measuring 1.0" wide. The shoulder pad is 10.5" long and 1.5" wide, and evenly distributes the weight of the camera without the need for any bulky foam. A FastenR (FR-3), ConnectR (CR-2) and Lock Star Swivel Hook Cover are included.

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