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Olympus FL-600R

Olympus FL-600R

The Olympus FL-600R is an easy-to-use external flash boasting a wide LCD and wireless control. An integrated LED light is capable of functioning as an AF illuminator for still images or full-time auxiliary lighting for video capture. Usable as a bounce flash, the FL-600R tilts upward to 90 and downward to 7.0, and also swivels side-to-side up to 180 in each direction. The unit features a built-in wide panel and catch light plate, so you need not worry about misplacing them during travel. The flash settings are adjustable via the arrow keys and dial on the rear of the unit, or by using the controls on an attached camera. When used in wireless mode, the FL-600R has an integrated commander function for remotely firing other wireless flash units without firing itself.

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Camera CanadaOntario $399.99 $463.84 Buy Now

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