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Olympus FL-36R Flash

Olympus FL-36R Flash

Made possible by the implementation of compatibility with the Olympus Wireless RC Flash System based on the Olympus-original RC data transfer wireless communication format, this function is available when these flashes are used with the new E-3 D-SLR camera. Exclusively designed for digital, the light emitting and brightness control circuitry achieve uniform irradiation in the picture area and high brightness control accuracy. The FL-36R has a rotary head that can be rotated in four directions. The irradiation angle is set either by automatic zooming according to the interchangeable lens or by manual setting, while the built-in wide panel makes it possible to effectively cover the wide irradiation angle required with a focal distance of 8 mm (equivalent to 16 mm with 35 mm cameras). Powered by two AA-size batteries, the FL-36R exemplifies the compatibility of high performance and compact size.

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