Home > Accessories > Miscellaneous > Impact > Impact 5-in-1 Collapsible Circular Reflector with Handles (22")
Impact 5-in-1 Collapsible Circular Reflector with Handles (22")

This two-handle 22" 5-1 Circular Collapsible Reflector with Handles from Impactadds a polished-looking quality of light to your photos or videos. The reflector is built around a translucent disc which doesn't reflect as much as the solid white surface, but does exhibit soft neutral reflection. Its primary purpose, however, is as a diffuser that will tame contrast by being held over a subject's head in the harsh noon-day sun. The disc can also be used in situations where you'd use a softbox. Using a disc holder or one of the 3/8" sockets, place your flash or constant light behind the suspended disc for soft, flattering light with open shadows.The 5-in-1 reflector has handy convenience features that make it easy to use and deliver impressive results, while saving space by folding down to approximately one third of its open size.
See recent price change history for the Impact 5-in-1 Collapsible Circular Reflector with Handles (22").
Site Supporters | Store | Base Price | Final Price (Incl. Tax, S&H) | ||
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B&H Photo VideoUnited States | $22.45 USD | $40.45 | ![]() |
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+$0.00 S&H +$0.79 Duty (3.5%) +$1.65 Brokerage Fee +$2.92 Tax (13%) $27.81 USD x 1.4546 exchange rate includes 2.5% exchange fee |
US Import duty estimated to be 3.50% | 1 USD is 1.4546 CAD | ||||
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