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Canon PowerShot PICK PTZ Camera (Black)

Canon PowerShot PICK PTZ Camera (Black)

Shoot candidly and be in the photos, too, with the Canon PowerShot PICK, a portable pan-tilt-zoom camera with active subject tracking and automatic, hands-free photo taking. Place the battery-powered camera anywhere and let it analyze the scene, recognize faces, and then begin to automatically record photos and videos while preserving the natural and spontaneous qualities of the moment. Intelligent Face Tracking searches and detects the faces of people nearby and up to 12 faces can be prioritized using the dedicated app No need for a timer, selfie stick, or remote release; the PICK auto shoots to help preserve the integrity and naturalness of the moment In addition to automated shooting, the PICK also responds to voice commands for a bit more control while still remaining hands-free Remote control over the camera is also possible using the MiniPTZcam app for more fine-tuned adjustments over the camera settings.

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Site SupportersStoreBase PriceFinal Price (Incl. Tax, S&H)
B&H Photo VideoUnited States $199.00 USD $332.87 Buy Now
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+$25.87 Tax (13%)
$227.08 USD
x 1.4659 exchange rate
includes 2.5% exchange fee

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