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MindShift Gear BackLight 26L Backpack (Woodland Green)

MindShift Gear BackLight 26L Backpack (Woodland Green)

Outdoor photographers can look forward to a high degree of comfort and easy access to gear with the woodland green BackLight 26L Backpack from MindShift Gear. This pack has a padded rear compartment with touch-fastening dividers for storing and organizing a standard-size DSLR, four to six lenses, a flash, plus space for an assortment of additional accessories. This compartment is accessed by unzipping the back panel. By sliding the shoulder straps off and using the waist belt to rotate the pack in front of you, the pack will rest in a horizontal, tabletop-like position.

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B&H Photo VideoUnited States $199.75 USD $352.70 1 month ago
  US Warranty

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price updated
1 month ago

+$0.00 S&H
+$13.98 Duty (7.0%)
+$2.56 Brokerage Fee
+$25.97 Tax (13%)
$242.26 USD
x 1.4559 exchange rate
includes 2.5% exchange fee

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