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Zoom F8n Pro 8-Input / 10-Track Multitrack Field Recorder

Zoom F8n Pro 8-Input / 10-Track Multitrack Field Recorder

Capture every location recording quickly and cleanly with the Zoom F8n Pro, a sound bagfriendly multitrack field recorder with 32-bit float technology for immense dynamic range that frees you from clipping and manual gain adjustments. Offering 8-input / 10-track recording, separate converters for quiet and loud sounds, and high-grade preamps with mic/line input switching, the F8n Pro packs quantity and quality into a rugged frame that's more than ready for filmmaking, production/location sound mixing, sound effects recording, and electronic news gathering.

See recent price change history for the Zoom F8n Pro 8-Input / 10-Track Multitrack Field Recorder.

Site SupportersStoreBase PriceFinal Price (Incl. Tax, S&H)
B&H Photo VideoUnited States $999.00 USD $1709.25 Buy Now
  US Warranty

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price updated
7 hours ago

+$0.00 S&H
+$34.97 Duty (3.5%)
+$5.68 Brokerage Fee
+$129.87 Tax (13%)
$1169.52 USD
x 1.4615 exchange rate
includes 2.5% exchange fee

Buy at B&H Photo Video

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AmazonUnited States $999.00 USD $1700.94 Buy Now
  US Warranty

price updated
7 hours ago

+$34.97 Duty (3.5%)
+$0.00 Brokerage Fee
+$129.87 Tax (13%)
$1163.83 USD
x 1.4615 exchange rate
includes 2.5% exchange fee

Buy at Amazon

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Price History Graph for Zoom F8n Pro 8-Input / 10-Track Multitrack Field Recorder

US Price History Graph for Zoom F8n Pro 8-Input / 10-Track Multitrack Field Recorder

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