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Sirui K-40X Ball Head

Sirui K-40X Ball Head

The Sirui K-40X Ball Head is an extremely sturdy head with control knobs for pan, tilt, and tension, plus an Arca-style clamp for the included quick-release plate. The pan, tilt, and quick-release knobs are all separate, while the tension knob is integrated into the ball-locking (tilt) knob. The head tilts 90 for portrait orientation. There's also a video pin on the plate to keep camcorders from twisting. The three control knobs allow a photographer to exercise extremely fine control over the orientation of the camera, whether it's a DSLR, 35mm, medium-format camera, or even a camcorder.

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Site SupportersStoreBase PriceFinal Price (Incl. Tax, S&H)
B&H Photo VideoUnited States $99.90 USD $172.98 Buy Now
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+$0.00 S&H
+$3.50 Duty (3.5%)
+$1.97 Brokerage Fee
+$12.99 Tax (13%)
$118.36 USD
x 1.4615 exchange rate
includes 2.5% exchange fee

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US Price History Graph for Sirui K-40X Ball Head

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