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Tether Tools ONsite 26,800 mAh USB Type-C Battery Bank (100W PD)

Tether Tools ONsite 26,800 mAh USB Type-C Battery Bank (100W PD)

Have added peace of mind when traveling with your camera and other portable electronics by keeping the Tether Tools ONsite 26,800 mAh USB Type-C Battery Bank close by. This high-capacity, 26,800 mAh battery features a USB Type-C input / output charging port alongside two USB Type-A output ports to keep your laptop, tablet, phone, and other devices charged. It also has an 100W power delivery threshold that can quickly charge devices, including powerful laptops such as MacBook Pros. It can even keep your MacBook Pro powered for up to eight hours, depending on use.

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Price History Graph for Tether Tools ONsite 26,800 mAh USB Type-C Battery Bank (100W PD)

US Price History Graph for Tether Tools ONsite 26,800 mAh USB Type-C Battery Bank (100W PD)

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