Home > Accessories > Miscellaneous > DIYP > DIYP Camera Cookie Cutters (Set of Three)
DIYP Camera Cookie Cutters (Set of Three)

This set of three Camera Cookie Cutters from DIYP is a fun way to treat your friends, family and business associates to a true taste of your photography. Bake batches of cookies in any of the three camera shapes the set includes - SLR, TLR and rangefinder. The reusable cutters can be used to cook up a delicious photographic treat that can be decorated, iced or eaten right out of the mold.The molds are BPA-free (Bisphenol A) and made with high-impact food-grade plastic. Use them as a cutter or simple stamp.
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US Import duty estimated to be 3.50% | 1 USD is 1.4557 CAD | ||||
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