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Phottix Odin II TTL Flash Trigger Receiver for Canon

Phottix Odin II TTL Flash Trigger Receiver for Canon

Realize the full potential of your flash setup by adding wireless triggering and control with the Phottix Odin II TTL Flash Trigger Receiver. Compatible with Canon's E-TTL / E-TTL II flash system and equipped with a 2.4 GHz radio system, the Odin II receiver can be used to integrate shoe-mounted flashes and studio strobes into your setup and can be triggered by the original Odin receiver or Mitros+ flash at distances up to 328'. To further benefit users, it can be used in a multi-system setup that involve Odin TTL, Strato, and Strato II receivers as well as Mitros+, Indra360, and Indra 500 lights.

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