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Vello Hand Grip Strap with Arca-Style Quick Release Plate

Vello Hand Grip Strap with Arca-Style Quick Release Plate

The Hand Grip Strap with Arca-Style Quick Release Plate from Vello assures a constant, firm grip on your DSLR or mirrorless camera while you're out shooting. The strap fits around your hand so you can maintain a firm and secure grip on your camera as you're moving around. The supple leather strap adjusts to your hand and features an extra security strap around your wrist to let the camera hang securely when you're walking through the country or around the city. This strap assures you'll always be ready when you see that perfect shot because all you need to do is raise the camera to eye level and shoot.

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US Import duty estimated to be 3.50% 1 USD is 1.4636 CAD
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