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APC Back-UPS Pro BR1500MS Battery Backup & Surge Protector (Sinewave)

APC Back-UPS Pro BR1500MS Battery Backup & Surge Protector (Sinewave)

The Back-UPS Pro BR1500MS from APC providespremium power protection for high-performance computer and electronics. In the case of a power outage, it can provide up to 4.1 minutes of runtime at max load and 14.5 minutes at half load. It also provides an output capacity of 1500 VA / 900W, ten total NEMA 5-15R outlets (six battery backup & surge and four surge-only), an input voltage of 120 VAC at 60 Hz 3 Hz using its 6' cord with a NEMA 5-15P plug, and surge energy rating of 1080 joules. Its sealed, lead-acid battery is maintenance-free, hot swappable, can be recharged in around 16 hours, and can be replaced using an APCRBC163 replacement battery.

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