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Green Extreme BG-E14 Battery Grip for Canon 80D and Canon 90D

Green Extreme BG-E14 Battery Grip for Canon 80D and Canon 90D

The Green Exterem Professional Power Battery Grip for the Canon EOS 70D & Canon EOS 80D DSLR Cameras is an optional but essential accessory with excellent ergonomics designed specifically for the Canon 80D & 90D DSLR Cameras. Featuring intelligent links to camera functions, matching the design and feel of your camera while doubling the battery power with a twin cell chamber that can load a choice of one or two battery packs. This is especially useful when taking advantage of the camera's Movie Mode or Live View Mode - operating modes that use more power compared to using a single LP-E6 pack.

See recent price change history for the Green Extreme BG-E14 Battery Grip for Canon 80D and Canon 90D.

Site SupportersStoreBase PriceFinal Price (Incl. Tax, S&H)
AdoramaUnited States $54.95 USD $90.75 Buy Now
  US Warranty

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1 day ago

+$0.00 S&H
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+$7.14 Tax (13%)
$62.09 USD
x 1.4615 exchange rate
includes 2.5% exchange fee

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Price History Graph for Green Extreme BG-E14 Battery Grip for Canon 80D and Canon 90D

US Price History Graph for Green Extreme BG-E14 Battery Grip for Canon 80D and Canon 90D

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