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Tascam DR-10L Micro Portable Audio Recorder with Lavalier Microphone (White)

Tascam DR-10L Micro Portable Audio Recorder with Lavalier Microphone (White)

With the a white color exclusively issued TascamDR-10L Micro Portable Audio Recorder with Lavalier Microphone, you can record full-resolution dialog and speech while skipping the trouble of long cable runs and avoiding the confusion of configuring a wireless microphone system. Whether you use the included omnidirectional lavalier mic or connect your preferred lav to the Sennheiser-compatible mic input, the entire setup can be discreetly affixed to your sound source. Just over 2 x 2 inches (and only 1-inch deep), the DR-10L is ideal for videography, interviews, weddings, vlogs, and lectures where the audio equipment needs to stay out of sight.

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B&H Photo VideoUnited States $119.00 USD $205.61 9 months ago
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9 months ago

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+$4.17 Duty (3.5%)
+$2.05 Brokerage Fee
+$15.47 Tax (13%)
$140.69 USD
x 1.4615 exchange rate
includes 2.5% exchange fee

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Price History Graph for Tascam DR-10L Micro Portable Audio Recorder with Lavalier Microphone (White)

US Price History Graph for Tascam DR-10L Micro Portable Audio Recorder with Lavalier Microphone (White)

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