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Sony 128GB CFexpress Type B TOUGH

Sony 128GB CFexpress Type B TOUGH

Offering both strength and speed, the 128GB CFexpress Type B TOUGH Memory Card from Sony provides fast read speeds up to 1700 MB/s along with write speeds up to 1480 MB/s. This quick performance benefits recording a variety of video resolutions, bit-rates, and compressions, as well as high-resolution continuous raw photo shooting. Beyond its speed, this TOUGH memory card also has a reinforced physical design to withstand falls from up to 15' and has been rigidity tested to 70 N of force. It's also resistant to extreme temperatures, X-rays, electrostatic, and UV lighting.

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AdoramaUnited States $139.99 USD $232.24 9 months ago
  US Warranty

price updated
9 months ago

+$0.00 S&H
+$0.00 Duty and Brokerage
+$18.20 Tax (13%)
$158.19 USD
x 1.4681 exchange rate
includes 2.5% exchange fee

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Camera CanadaOntario $318.00 $371.19 8 months ago

price updated
8 months ago

+$11.85 S&H
+$41.34 Tax (13%)

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this product is duty free 1 USD is 1.4681 CAD
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US Price History Graph for Sony 128GB CFexpress Type B TOUGH

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