Home > Accessories > Batteries > Powerex > Powerex Smart Charger with Rechargeable AA NiMH Batteries (1.2V, 2600mAh, 8-Pack)
Powerex Smart Charger with Rechargeable AA NiMH Batteries (1.2V, 2600mAh, 8-Pack)

The Powerex Smart Charger with Rechargeable AA NiMH Batteries includes a four-bay charger capable of charging one or two sets of four NiMH/NiCad AA or AAA batteries and a pack of eight cells that each have an output power of 1.2V and a capacity of 2600mAh. The cells come charged and ready-to-use out of the package, and it takes approximately six hours for a full set of depleted batteries to recharge.
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US Import duty estimated to be 7.00% | 1 USD is 1.4518 CAD | ||||
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