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Pelican 1554 Waterproof 1550 Case with Yellow and Black Divider Set (Silver)

Pelican 1554 Waterproof 1550 Case with Yellow and Black Divider Set (Silver)

The silver Pelican 1554 Waterproof 1550 Case with Yellow and Black Divider Set is an unbreakable, watertight, airtight, dustproof, chemical-resistant and corrosion-proof hard case used to carry any kind of equipment that needs to be protected from the elements. It is made from Ultra High Impact structural copolymer for strength and durability. It has a 0.25" / 6.4mm neoprene O-ring, easy-open double throw latches, an automatic pressure equalization valve, and a comfortable rubber over-molded handle.

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US Import duty estimated to be 7.00% 1 USD is 1.4615 CAD
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Price History Graph for Pelican 1554 Waterproof 1550 Case with Yellow and Black Divider Set (Silver)

US Price History Graph for Pelican 1554 Waterproof 1550 Case with Yellow and Black Divider Set (Silver)

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