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Angler CatchLight Reflector

Angler CatchLight Reflector

The CatchLight Reflector from Angler is a simple solution to a lighting problem. A common technique for achieving a glamorous portrait is lighting the subject on-axis from above to bring out the modeling of the face and details in the hair, makeup, etc. But what to do about the hard shadows under the nose and around the eyes other than add additional lights to complicate the subject? The Catchlight 58.5" wide modifier has an open "U" shape which forms an arc that surrounds the subject, over which reflective silver material is tightly stretched for a consistent effect. An included bracket allows you to tilt the reflector to the ideal angle to bounce light from the main source to slightly flatten the contrast, while maintaining a three-dimensional look, and remove the shadows to your desired degree without adding another source.

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US Import duty estimated to be 7.00% 1 USD is 1.4457 CAD
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