Home > Cases > Pelican > Pelican iM2975 Storm Trak Case with Padded Dividers (Black)
Pelican iM2975 Storm Trak Case with Padded Dividers (Black)

The Pelican iM2975 Storm Trak Case with Padded Dividers (Black) is an injection-molded case made of HPX high performance resin, that is virtually unbreakable, dent-resistant and shatter-resistant. It is tough, rugged, lightweight, airtight and watertight. There is a permanently attached Vortex valve that automatically adjusts air pressure without letting in water, and won't unscrew from the case. Press & Pull latches open with the push of a button, yet stay closed securely under impact or stress.
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US Import duty estimated to be 7.00% | 1 USD is 1.4559 CAD | ||||
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