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Glow ParaPop 38" Portable Softbox With Bowens Mount Adapter

Glow ParaPop 38

The Glow ParaPop 38 is the mobile solution to speedlights, studio and large portable strobes, featuring flattering, soft and rich color lighting with all the great advantages of the softbox/umbrella quality of our very successful GlowHexaPop line. Once constructed, the lightweight ParaPop 38 opens and closes speedily. Setup in a snap for action with jointed positioning rods that lock with a simple click into the dedicated speedring and release to collapse the softbox with twin safety tabs, sounding a signature 'pop'.

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AdoramaUnited States $139.95 USD $231.13 8 months ago
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8 months ago

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+$18.19 Tax (13%)
$158.14 USD
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