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Flashpoint XPLOR 400PRO TTL Battery-Powered Monolight with Built-in R2 2.4GHz Radio Remote System

Flashpoint XPLOR 400PRO TTL Battery-Powered Monolight with Built-in R2 2.4GHz Radio Remote System

Welcome the newest member of the R2 Family of Wireless Flash. More powerful and versatile than the eVOLV200 morphing pocket flash and smaller and sleeker the excellent XPLOR600 Pro cordless monolight. The state-of-the-art lithium powered monolight weighs in at just over 4 pounds 8 ounces, but don't let the diminutive size fool you. Under the lustrous exterior comes a lot of the XPLOR600 Pro features (they even look alike!) without the overhead. It's a re-design, not a scaled down version. Serious output at 400-watt seconds, plus TTL, High Speed Sync, IGBT technology, with incredible 1 second recycle time that can keep pace when it needs.

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AdoramaUnited States $529.00 USD $873.64 Buy Now
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1 day ago

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+$68.77 Tax (13%)
$597.77 USD
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Price History Graph for Flashpoint XPLOR 400PRO TTL Battery-Powered Monolight with Built-in R2 2.4GHz Radio Remote System

US Price History Graph for Flashpoint XPLOR 400PRO TTL Battery-Powered Monolight with Built-in R2 2.4GHz Radio Remote System

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