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Lowepro Slingshot Edge 150 AW (Black)

Lowepro Slingshot Edge 150 AW (Black)

Carry your gear around the city for an afternoon or pack light for a day trip with the black Slingshot Edge 150 AW from Lowepro. Designed for urban environments or exotic travel adventures, this slim and secure sling can hold a mirrorless camera, two lenses in the padded main compartment and a mini tablet in a zippered front pocket. Interior pockets and a fully adjustable padded divider system organize and protect your camera and lenses, while smaller accessories can be stored in the front pocket, and something like a water bottle can be carried in the exterior slip pocket.

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Camera CanadaOntario $129.95 $158.69 Buy Now

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11 hours ago

+$11.85 S&H
+$16.89 Tax (13%)

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