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ProGrade Digital 128GB CFast 2.0 Memory Card

ProGrade Digital 128GB CFast 2.0 Memory Card

Designed for high-speed photography and videography applications, the 128GB CFast 2.0 Memory Card from ProGrade Digital work with digital cameras that are compatible with the CFast 2.0 standard, which utilizes the SATA III 6 Gb/s interface. It features read speeds of up to 550 MB/s, write speeds of up to 415 MB/s, and minimum guaranteed write speeds of 130 MB/s, thanks to the VPG-130 standard. All of this allows for the capturing of 4K, 3D, and Full HD content using Canon and a wide range of other devices. This CFast 2.0 card has also been built with SMART technology and is able to withstand temperatures ranging from 32 to 158F while operational, or -40 to 212F while being stored.

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