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Panasonic Eneloop CC55 Quick Charger Kit

Panasonic Eneloop CC55 Quick Charger Kit

The CC55 Quick Charger Kit from Panasonic contains eight Ni-MH AA batteries with a capacity of 2000mAh and four AAA batteries with a capacity of 800mAh. The batteries have been pre-charged by solar power, so they are ready to use out of the package. The included CC55 charger has four charging bays with individual LED charge indicator lights, which shows how much each battery has charged. To charge a fully depleted battery, it can take between three and four hours, and once all the batteries are fully charged, the charger will automatically shut off for overcharge protection.Within the charger, the batteries can be placed in any combination by mixing the AA or AAA's, and the configuration won't affect the charging times.

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