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Sigma Art 24mm f/1.4 DG HSM for Sony

Sigma Art 24mm f/1.4 DG HSM for Sony

A wide and fast Sony E-mount prime, the 24mm f/1.4 DG HSM Lens is a member of the highly regarded Art line of Sigma's Global Vision Series and is characterized by its advanced optical construction and robust physical design. The combination of three "F" Low Dispersion (FLD) elements and four Special Low Dispersion elements help to achieve a marked reduction in chromatic aberrations, while a pair of aspherical elements, with one positioned in the rear of the lens, minimize a variety of additional distortions and aberrations.

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AdoramaUnited States $849.00 USD $1408.45 9 months ago
  US Warranty

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9 months ago

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+$110.37 Tax (13%)
$959.37 USD
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US Price History Graph for Sigma Art 24mm f/1.4 DG HSM for Sony

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