Home > Accessories > Lighting > Impact > Impact FRC-RLSLB Fluorescent 19" Ring Light with Dimmer
Impact FRC-RLSLB Fluorescent 19" Ring Light with Dimmer

The FRC-RLSLB Fluorescent 19" Ring Light with Dimmer from Impact is a unique, constant light source with a natural daylight color balance of 5200K. Great for products and portraits, the ring light is meant for use with lighter weight cameras such as point and shoot or mirrorless cameras. A mini ball head and smartphone adapter are included for mounting cameras to the light. The ring light comes with a light stand swivel that accepts any 5/8" standard stud as well as a flexible arm to add versatility in positioning.
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US Import duty estimated to be 7.00% | 1 USD is 1.4598 CAD | ||||
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