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Pacsafe Carrysafe 75 Anti-Theft Camera Neck Strap

Pacsafe Carrysafe 75 Anti-Theft Camera Neck Strap

Protect your DSLR or mirrorless camera from potential cut-and-run theft with the padded, black Carrysafe 75 Anti-Theft Camera Neck Strap from Pacsafe. With stainless steel wire connectors and 13 mm wide Dyneema, your Carrysafe 75 is designed to resist cutting. In addition to its anti-theft properties, this neck strap features 2 stainless steel strap loop connectors, 2 Dyneema reinforced nylon strap loop connectors, neoprene padding, a comfortable 1.6 width, and 39.4 to 46.1" adjustable length. Carrysafe 75 may be used with cameras that have dual attachment points.

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US Import duty estimated to be 3.50% 1 USD is 1.4557 CAD
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