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Lowepro Pro Roller x200 AW

Lowepro Pro Roller x200 AW

The black, modular Pro Roller x200 AW from Lowepro consists of both an impact-protective hard-shell exterior and a removable Reserve Pack with a backpack harness, which holds a significant amount of gear. It holds two DSLRs with grips, around eight lenses (up to a 600mm telephoto lens), flashes and accessories between padded MaxFit interior dividers. It also accommodates up to a 17" laptop inside an easy-access stretch pocket at the front, and features numerous interior and exterior pockets for accessories.

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Site SupportersStoreBase PriceFinal Price (Incl. Tax, S&H)
Camera CanadaOntario $499.95 $576.79 Buy Now

price updated
12 hours ago

+$11.85 S&H
+$64.99 Tax (13%)

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