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Canon CN-E 15.5-47mm T2.8 L SP with PL Mount

Canon CN-E 15.5-47mm T2.8 L SP with PL Mount

The Canon CN-E 15.5-47mm T2.8 L SP Wide-Angle Cinema Zoom Lens with PL Mount joins the ranks of other Canon Cinema lenses that are engineered to serve the high-performance demands of the production community. Designed to work with 4K-resolution (4096 x 2160 pixels) cameras this EF mount lens surpasses the performance requirements of any HD imaging system. The CN-E 15.5-47mm T2.8 L SP Wide-Angle Cinema Zoom Lens with PL Mount also offers compatibility with industry-standard Super 35mm-equivalent image format as well as APS-C-size sensors.

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Price History Graph for Canon CN-E 15.5-47mm T2.8 L SP with PL Mount

US Price History Graph for Canon CN-E 15.5-47mm T2.8 L SP with PL Mount

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