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Profoto B1 500 Air Battery-Powered 2-Light Location Kit

Profoto B1 500 Air Battery-Powered 2-Light Location Kit

B1 500 Air Battery-Powered 2-Light Location Kit from Profoto consists of two B1 500 off-camera, battery-powered AirTTL flash heads each with a battery, a 4.5A Fast Battery Charger, car charger and a custom location backpack. With the use of an optional Air Remote TTL-C, TTL-N, Air Remote or Air Sync users will have access to wireless triggering from distances up to 1,000'.This versatile kit makes studio quality lighting as easy to use as your camera's TTL flash. The B1 offers double wireless freedom - a built in AirTTL receiver for remote triggering as well as a powerful on-board Lithium-ion battery that untethers you from the wall outlet.

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