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Lowepro Photo Hatchback 16L AW Backpack (Slate Gray)

Lowepro Photo Hatchback 16L AW Backpack (Slate Gray)

The slate gray Photo Hatchback 16L AW Backpack from Lowepro is an excellent choice for a day out in the field, walk along the boardwalk with the family or even a quick down and dirty gig. It's designed to hold your DSLR with an 18-55mm lens attached and two additional moderately sized lenses, flash, accessories as well as your iPad or tablet held safely within its own dedicated compartment. It is also designed to hold your GoPro Hero 3 camera, and accessories.The "wow" feature of this bag is that it comes with a removable camera box which, when removed, turns the pack into a full-fledged, empty pack that can be used as a daypack.

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