Home > Memory > XQD > Lexar > Lexar 32GB Professional 2933x XQD 2.0 with USB 3.0 Reader
Lexar 32GB Professional 2933x XQD 2.0 with USB 3.0 Reader

With a 32GB storage capacity, the Professional 2933x XQD 2.0 Memory Card from Lexar can hold a large number of files including high quality images and even 4K video content. With support for both PCI Express Gen 2 and USB 3.0 interfaces this card can be used in a variety of DSLR cameras. Once inserted users can capture high quality images and record video in formats up to and including 4K video thanks to the enhanced data transfer rates offered by this XQD 2.0 memory card. With a read speed of up to 440 MB/s and write speed of up to 390 MB/s it is not only possible to capture various types of content, it is also possible to offload that content quickly and efficiently. .
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