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Manfrotto Veloce V Backpack (Black)

Manfrotto Veloce V Backpack (Black)

The black Veloce V Backpack from Manfrotto is a slightly smaller version of the Manfrotto Veloce VII backpack. If you can't get the shot with all the gear this bag holds, you're doing something wrong. It's rated to hold a DSLR with or without a grip and a 70-200 attached - and held in a shooting position - plus an additional 2-3 lenses, flash, small accessories; and if that isn't enough anda 15.4" (39.1 cm)laptop.Onthe outside, the pack is made from rugged, water-resistant nylon. This is a shooter's pack - and the reason it is stems from the marvelous ability to access the main compartment from the top via the top zippered flap secured by a touch fastener.

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