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Leica TL2 (Silver)

Leica TL2 (Silver)

Minimal and intuitive, the sleek silver TL2 Mirrorless Digital Camera from Leica is a photographic tool for photographers looking for a compact, yet capable imaging system with the latest technology. It maintains the unibody design of its predecessors and is crafted in Germany from a single block of aluminum for durability, but makes a major advancement with the implementation of a newly developed 24.2MP APS-C CMOS sensor and the Maestro II processor. This enables multiple high-end features, including 20 fps shooting with an electronic shutter, UHD 4K video at 30 fps, and Full HD video at 60 fps.

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Broadway CameraBritish Columbia $3499.00 $3953.87 Buy Now

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1 day ago

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+$454.87 Tax (13%)

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