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Adobe Photoshop Elements 15 and Premiere Elements 15 (Download)

Adobe Photoshop Elements 15 and Premiere Elements 15 (Download)

Bundling two programs for the multimedia image-maker, Photoshop Elements 15 and Premiere Elements 15 from Adobe combines their versatile photo editing and video editing applications for creatively refining both your photos and movies, as well as sharing and organizing your files. The 15th edition of these applications introduces support for working with touchscreen devices for more intuitive editing and organizational control, and also features enhanced search capabilities to more quickly locate the exact image or video you need. In regard to Photoshop Elements 15, when editing portraits, you can now eliminate frowns and squints in photos in order to ensure everyone looks his or her best; Camera Shake Reduction compensates for blurriness in handheld shots; and an intelligent Haze Removal tool improves the overall clarity of photos.

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