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Vello BG-C12 Battery Grip for Canon 7D Mark II

Vello BG-C12 Battery Grip for Canon 7D Mark II

Designed for the Canon 7D Mark II, the BG-C12 Battery Grip from Vello holds one or two LP-E6 batteries, effectively doubling your camera's shooting time. The grip also comes with a tray to hold six AA batteries (rechargeable batteries recommended). The BG-C12 adds comfort and stability when shooting in the portrait orientation, and it provides an alternate shutter button, AF start, AF point selection, AE lock/FE lock, and multi-function buttons. A multi-controller and a main dial are also located on the grip, adding convenience when shooting vertically.

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Site SupportersStoreBase PriceFinal Price (Incl. Tax, S&H)
B&H Photo VideoUnited States $79.95 USD $134.70 Buy Now
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+$10.39 Tax (13%)
$92.16 USD
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US Price History Graph for Vello BG-C12 Battery Grip for Canon 7D Mark II

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