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DJI Phantom 3 Standard with 2.7K Camera and 3-Axis Gimbal

DJI Phantom 3 Standard with 2.7K Camera and 3-Axis Gimbal

With the Phantom 3 Standard, DJI introduces 2.7K ("UHD") aerial video acquisition to the Phantom line. Its dedicated camera is mounted via a 3-axis motorized gimbal that stabilizes the footage and enables manual tilting from a dial on the controller. The control signal operates on 5.8 GHz, plus there is a 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi downlink for live 720p video monitoring and app-based control using DJI's free GO app. Thanks to a Wi-Fi range extender, the Wi-Fi boasts a range of 3280' line-of-sight. GPS equipped, the Phantom 3 Standard sports the assisted flying features, such as automatic return home, that have become staples of the Phantom series.

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