Home > Binoculars > Steiner > Steiner Nighthunter XP 10x56 Roof Prism Binocular
Steiner Nighthunter XP 10x56 Roof Prism Binocular
The Nighthunter XP 10x56 Roof Prism Binocular from Steiner is the largest and highest-magnification configuration of their very best and brightest roof prism collection. The Nighthunter XP provides an exceptional amount of light transmission across the entire visible spectrum. You can see the difference when light is poor. While its performance in any light is unique, it is in twilight that the Nighthunter XP Roof Prism Binocular is especially appreciated. Living up to its name of Night Hunter, you can start earlier in the pre-dawn light and watch longer into the evening.
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