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Manfrotto 509HD Video Head with 545B Tripod

Manfrotto 509HD Video Head with 545B Tripod

The Manfrotto 509HD Video Head with 545B Tripod Legs, Mid-spreader & a Padded Bag offers a complete tripod solution for professional video camera systems weighing up to 29 lb (13.1 kg). A 4-step counterbalance mechanism of the 509HD head ensures optimum balance and helps for quick setup. The tripod head features ergonomic adjustments, easy-link connectors and uses light-weight PVC-free materials in its components. Featuring the Bridging Technology with a ball bearing drag system, the tripod head offers professional-quality stability as well as precise, smooth movements.A unique Advance Balancing Recorder feature can record the perfect balanced position for your camera equipment so that the position can be recalled later on.

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