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Viewsonic ViewPad E100 9.7" Tablet

Viewsonic ViewPad E100 9.7

The ViewPad E100 9.7" Android Tablet from Viewsonic is an ultra-portable tablet equipped with a high-definition 9.7" capacitive touchscreen IPS display that supports a 1024 x 768 resolution. It features an Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich operating system and a processor capable of 1GHz processing speeds. It features integrated graphics and has 1GB of DDR3 RAM, as well as 4GB of flash storage capacity that can be expanded by an additional 32GB when using the microSD/microSDHC card slot. The ViewPad E100 features 802.11 b/g/n WiFi wireless connectivity for accessing the Internet through a wireless home network or from a WiFi hot-spot.

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