Home > Bags > Pentax > Pentax DSLR Sling Bag 2
Pentax DSLR Sling Bag 2

The 85231 DSLR Sling Bag 2 from Pentax is a strong nylon bag designed to hold your Pentax DSLR kit. It's divided into three zippered sections to arrange your gear in an organized, accessible way. For extra storage, the exterior has three large zippered front pockets and the interior has three more pockets for smaller accessories.The bag is carried by its shoulder or sling strap. When used with its sling strap, you'll be able to rotate the bag to the side or front, remove whatever gear you need, get the shot, replace the gear and move on.
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US Import duty estimated to be 7.00% | 1 USD is 1.4641 CAD | ||||
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