Home > Cameras > Mirrorless > Ricoh > Ricoh S10 24-72mm VC Unit 2
Ricoh S10 24-72mm VC Unit 2

More than a lens, the Ricoh Lens S10 24-72mm f/2.5-4.4VC Camera Unit 2 is, as the name implies, a completely self-contained camera. When combined with the Ricoh GXR System body the S10 is ready, willing, and able to help you create stunning images with 10Mp of resolution, a 1/1.7" CCD sensor, and multiple features and functions that keep your creative side satisfied. The Camera Unit promises all this and no dust in the lens or sensor, thanks to the enclosed design. Unlike other digital cameras out there that require you to switch out lenses when you want to change up your point of view, the S10 eliminates the risks associated with exposing the inner cavity of the camera body.
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