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Samsung HMX-W300 Pocket Camcorder

Samsung HMX-W300 Pocket Camcorder

The Samsung HMX-W300 Pocket Camcorder is a budget-friendly camera that records video and still images both on land and under the sea. Whether you're a home movie buff or you just love to stay in touch with friends and family via social media, the W300 is a simple, inexpensive way to do so. In addition to being waterproof down to 16.4', it's also shockproof and dustproof - both excellent features when the camera's sure to be around sand and general outdoor adventures.The HMX-W300 boasts full 1920 x 1080/30p HD video recording for highly detailed, clear images that will look great not only on your computer monitor or smart phone, but on your big-screen HDTV as well.

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