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Nikon SB-N7 Speedlight for V1 & V2 (Black)

Nikon SB-N7 Speedlight for V1 & V2 (Black)

The black SB-N7 Speedlight from Nikon brings their exclusive Creative Lighting System to your Nikon 1 V1 or V2 CX-Format mirrorless camera. With it you can tilt the flash head for pleasing bounced lighting effects, use the built-in wide panel for expanded shooting coverage, and brighten backlit subjects. Designed for the Nikon 1 V1 and V2, this Nikon 1 SB-N7 Speedlight maintains the camera's compact, well-balanced design, mounting right onto the cameras hot shoe. With a guide number of 59' at ISO 100, the Nikon 1 SB-N7 Speedlight delivers significant lighting power in a small package.

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